Whether you are burdened with work or your studies, it can be quite tough to stay healthy. Things can get quite complicated when you have to plan your meals and take care of your nutrition as well. And if not taken care of, you may gain weight or...
Read moreBest Pre and Post Workout Meals
These days, more and more people are becoming more aware of the importance of working out. Hence, everyone is hitting the gym or training at home. However, very few know the importance of pre and post workout meals. Apart from training regularly...
Read moreWhite vs Brown Sugar vs Jaggery vs Honey
What is the best part of a meal? Most people will agree it to be the dessert! Any sugary dessert that you may have after a meal or as a snack during the day, can be quite satisfying. But more than its taste, sugar has a large number of health...
Read moreCalorie Deficit : Everything You Need To Know
Do you get confused about what exactly is a calorie deficit every time someone mentions weight loss and why do you need to be in it to lose weight? Nowadays, calorie deficit diets are trending everywhere but it is still a complex concept to...
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